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Flood insurance for previously flooded property or homes in a flood risk area

If a property has previously been affected by flooding or there have been floods in the local area, it can make obtaining flood insurance for a property in a flood risk zone difficult to obtain.
Here’s how to maximise your chances of getting flood cover for your property.

Here's how to maximise your chances of getting flood cover for your property.
An image of house and a river​Many insurers providing online home insurance quotes make use of flood mapping software that determines whether or not they will provide a quotation for your property. If your property has suffered a flood or if there has been flooding in the area then generally your response to the quote enquiry will be a quote declined, or a quote offered with flood cover excluded. 

Flooding can occur to a property, or to an area for many different reasons. On some occasions the cause of the flooding to a specific area can be completely rectified so that there is no increased risk of flooding.  An example of this could be with new flood defences which have been constructed by the Environment Agency with their ongoing programme of development.  

Alternatively with regards to flooding that has affected a specific property, remedial action may have since been taken which will drastically reduce the risk of a recurrence, for example, risk improvements might include building up of ground, diverting a water stream or more regular maintenance of culverts, ditches etc.

There are properties within high risk postcode areas which are not exposed to the same level of risk as the nearby properties. An example of this could be a property at the top of a hill 10m higher than a property at the bottom of the hill next to the river. Same postcode area, completely different flood risk. Arguably there could be a case with some properties that there may be a problem with access to the higher area on which the property stands but generally there are solutions that can be found to provide insurance cover. 

Insurance for previously flooded houses for landlords, unoccupied property, holiday and second homes

Cover under this facility is not restricted to homeowners. It is also available for landlords wishing to insure tenanted property, unoccupied and empty properties, holiday homes and second homes.

Product Benefits

Our product has the security of being underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance

  • Over 99% of all postcode areas accepted
  • Standard home insurance product can be enhanced by optional covers
  • Payment by monthly direct debit available (subject to acceptance and service charge)

If you are interested in obtaining a quotation for your propertycall us now on 01903 791340, we can take the information relevant to your situation and obtain a quotation for you.

All situations are different of course so there is no guarantee we can obtain cover but we will do our best to secure a quotation for you.